ProAxis Innovation блескаше на саемот во Висконсин – 2024 година
ProAxis Innovation имаше голема можност да ја покаже својата успешна работа, како и напредни решенија на престижниот Wisconsin Manufacturing & Technology Fair. Овој настан ги собра индустриски
Why Every Industry Needs CNC Machines: A Peek Into ProAxis Innovation
In today’s fast-paced world, industries are turning to technology to boost productivity, precision, and cost-efficiency. CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines are at the heart of this transformation. At ProAxis Innovation, based in Bitola, Macedonia, we’re proud to be in charge of...
Zašto je CNC tehnologija potrebna svakoj industriji: Pogled u ProAxis Innovation
U današnjem ubrzanom svetu, industrije se sve više oslanjaju na tehnologiju kako bi povećale produktivnost, preciznost i smanjile troškove. CNC (Computer Numerical Control) mašine nalaze se u centru ove transformacije. ProAxis Innovation, kompanija sa sedištem u Bitolju, Makedonija, ponosno predvodi u...
ProAxis Innovation at the NYC Toy Fair: How CNC Machines Shape the Future of Toy Manufacturing
ProAxis Innovation proudly participated in the renowned NYC Toy Fair, which gathers the brightest minds and most creative companies in the toy industry. Our presence at this prestigious fair marked a significant milestone as we showcased how CNC machines are revolutionizing...