Successful Participation in the “Business Integrity” Training – Investing in Ethics and Transparency
On November 28, 2024, our company, Proaxis Innovation, participated in the “Business Integrity” training organized by the Economic Chamber of Macedonia as part of the “Citizens Against Corruption” project, financially supported by USAID. The event took place at Hotel Capri in...
Uspešno učešće na obuci „Biznis integritet“ Investiranje u etiku i transparentnost
Dana 28. novembra 2024. godine, naša kompanija Proaxis Innovation učestvovala je na obuci „Biznis integritet“, organizovanoj od strane Privredne komore na Makedonije u okviru projekta „Građani protiv korupcije“, finansijski podržanog od strane USAID-a. Događaj je održan u hotelu Kapri u Bitolju,...
Успешно учество на обуката „Бизнис интегритет“ – Инвестирање во етика и транспарентност
На 28 ноември 2024 година, нашата компанија Proaxis Innovation учествуваше на обуката „Бизнис интегритет“, организирана од Стопанската комора на Македонија во рамките на проектот „Г
Proaxis Innovation at the International Fair of Techniques and Technical Achievements – Belgrade, May 2024
In May 2024, Proaxis Innovation proudly participated in the International Fair of Techniques and Technical Achievements in Belgrade, Serbia—one of the region’s largest and most influential events for technology and innovation. Introducing Our Latest Innovation: CNC Plasma Arccuter PA153V2 A key...